Meetings and Events


Club Equipment Rental Program and Equipment Certification

We’re hearing that while this summer’s intense heat may have slowed the berries from ripening, growers are predicting that harvest will be on track. Time to get the cellar and crews ready. SHW Winemaking Equipment Rental Program The Club has larger pieces of wine making equipment available for members to rent including destemmer-crushers, basket presses,…

Vineyard Managment Meeting – Placer County Wine and Grape Association

The Placer County Wine and Grape Association (PCWGA) invites all to their annual visit with the Placer County Coop Extension Farm Advisor. The Extension staff will be sharing the latest info on vineyard management practices and current regional issues. More info at this link. When: July 10, 7pm. Social begins at 6:30 Where: Cante ao…