The Club’s Winemaking 101 workshop is designed for aspiring and newer vintners who are interested in learning to make wine. Workshop participants will learn the basic steps for making wine, hear what it takes to get started, plus get some common questions answered, such as:

  • Will my hands turn purple? Of course! Stained hands during harvest are the badge of honor!
  • I flunked chemistry in high school – can I still make wine? You can deep dive into wine making chemistry but for the most part, it’s about alcohol (brix, sugars) and acid (pH).
  • Can I still spend a week in Cabo during harvest season? The grapes wait for no one including you. Plan your getaways for the other three seasons.

This year’s 2-part WM 101 workshop begins with an evening Zoom on Thursday, August 8 when you’ll learn about basic wine making steps and terminology. On the following Saturday, August 10, we’ll meet on-site in Granite Bay. Members will be certified in safe wine making equipment use and care. There will be how-to demonstrations. You’ll meet Club mentors who can keep you on the right track. You’ll taste members’ wines and enjoy a potluck lunch. The end of the workshop wraps up with a vineyard walk and you making some wine making talk.

Winemaking 101 is at no cost to SHW members. Membership info below*. For non-SHW members, the workshop fee is $30 per person; the fee can be applied towards membership if joining by August 10. Members may repeat the workshop as often as they wish. The August 10 destination is at a private home winery and vineyard, so workshop space is limited. To register, click here.

*Membership info: regular Club membership covers up to 2 persons at the same address. A student membership is for one person who is currently enrolled in any coursework at a higher education institution and is at least 21 years of age. Click here for more membership details and membership form.

Questions? Contact Winemaking 101 Coordinator Joe McGillivray at 916-261-9438 or