Migration to MailerLite

As previous shared at the January club meeting, SHW is migrating our blog messaging system from MailChimp to MailerLite. While this should minimally impact you, our club members, we, the web team, need to ensure we pull across all active SHW members from MailChimp. Very early Wednesday morning (4:00 a.m. PST, 7February) this message will be sent out twice, once using MailChimp and once using MailerLite. While the blog postings will look almost identical, you can differentiate them by scrolling to the foot of each blog and looking at the logo:

What to do if I receive either both messages OR only the message containing the green MailerLite logo?
No action required on your part.

What to do if I ONLY received the message containing the black MailChimp logo?
If you wish to continue to receive SHW email blogs, please send an email message to webmaster@sachomewine.com indicating that you did not receive the MailerLite message (with the green logo) and wish to continue to receive the SHW club blogs. PLEASE also include your first and last name, and you email address.

The SHW Web Team